English plant and fungi names


T a e h i o r u w

Table Mountain Orchid Disa uniflora - f, n
Tahitian Gardenia Gardenia tahitensis - o
Taita African Violet Saintpaulia teitensis - f
Taiwan Cherry Prunus campanulata - a
Taiwan Cow Lily Nuphar shimadai - a
Taiwan Cryptomeria Taiwania cryptomerioides - a
Taiwan Incense Cedar Calocedrus formosensis - a
Taiwan Lily Lilium formosanum - a
Taiwan Pleione Pleione formosana - a, f, n
Taiwan Scabiosa Scabiosa lacerifolia - a
Taiwan Tree Fern Cyathea spinulosa - a
Taiwan White Pine Pinus kwangtungensis - a
Talipot Palm Corypha umbraculifera - n
Tall Coneflower Rudbeckia laciniata - f
Tall Ground Orchid Phajus tankervilleae - a, f, n,o
Tall Russula Russula paludosa - c, e, f, n, s
Tall-stilt Mangrove Rhizophora apiculata - a
Tallowvine Commelina sp. - f
Tamarillo-Tree Tomato Solanum betoceum - f
Tamarind Tamarindus indica - a, f, n, s
Tangerine Citrus reticulata - a, f, e, n, o, s
Tangerine Orange Citrus nobilis - a, e, n, o
Tania plants  
Tanjang Tree Mimusops elengi - a
Tansy Tanacetum vulgare - e
Tansy Aster
Machaeranthera tanacetifolia - a
Tapang  Koompassia excelsa - a
Tape-grass Vallisneria spiralis - e
Tapeu Orchid Vanda coerulea - a, c, f, n, o, s
Tapioca Manihot esculenta - a, f, n, o, s
  Manihot utilissima - f, o
Tarot Colocasia esculenta - f, o
  Xanthosoma sagittifolium - f, o
Tartary Eyebright Euphrasia officinalis - e
Tasmanian Blue Gum Eucalyptus globulus - e, f, o, s
Tasmanian Christmas Bell Blandfordia punicea - o
Tasmanian Laurel Anopterus glandulosus - f
Tatar Maple Acer tataricum - e
Tatarian Aster Aster tataricus - f
Tawny Day-Lily Hemerocallis fulva - a, f, n, s
Tawny Funnel Cap Lepista flaccida - c, f
Tawny Grisette Amanita fulva - c, e, f, n
Tawny Milkcap Lactarius volemus - a, c, n
Tea Berry Myrteola nummularia - s
Tea Shaft Bamboo Pseudosasa amabilis - a
Tea Tree Melaleuca alternifolia - a, o
  Melaleuca leucadendron - o
Tea Tree Camellia Camellia sinensis - a, c, e, f, o, n, s
Teak Tectona grandis - a, f
Tef Eragrostis tef - f
Telipogon-Like Lepanthes Lepanthes telipogoniflora - n, s
Tembusu Fagraea fragans - a
Tempisque Sideroxylon capiri - n
Temple Flower Plumeria acutifolia - a, n, o, f
Temple Juniper Juniperus rigida - f
Temple Tree Plumeria acutifolia - a, n, o, f
  Plumeria obtusa - a, n, o
Terete Leaf Papilionanthe Papilionanthe teres - a, f, n
Termite Mushroom Termitomyces sp. - f
Terrona Oak Quercus rotundifolia - e
Texas Balloonwort Sphaerocarpos texanus - e
Texas Prickly Opuntia engelmanni - f, n
Thai Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia floribunda - a
Thai Gardenia Gardenia gjellerupi - a
Thanksgiving Cactus Schlumbergera truncata - a, e, o, n, s
Thick-footed Morel Morchella crassipes - a, f, n, s
Thickleaf Aeonium Aeonium arboreum - f
Thickleaf Peperomia Peperomia hypoleuca - n
Thin-leafed peony Paeonia tenuifolia - e
Thistle Carduus sp. - a, e, n, o, s
Thistle Protea Protea scolymocephala - f
Thong-Leaf Sugarbush Protea lorea - f
Thorn Apple
Datura stramonium -a, e, f
Thorny Burnet Sarcopoterium spinosum - e
Thread Like Leaves Brassavola Brassavola filifolia - s
Threatening Dracula Dracula minax - s
Three-birds Orchid Triphora trianthophora - f, n
Three-coloured Chamomile Anthemis tricolor - e
Three Colored Koellensteinia Koellensteinia tricolor - f
Three Colored Vanda Vanda tricolor - a, f, n, o, s
Three-cornered Garlic Allium triquetrum - e
Threeleaf Arrowhead Sagittaria trifolia - a
Three-lobed Sage Salvia fruticosa - a, e
Three Ribbed Chysis Chysis tricostata - n
Three Thorned Thorn Acacia senegal - f
Three-Veined Coelogyne Coelogyne trinervis - f
Thrice Folded Calanthe Calanthe triplicata - a, f, o
Thrift Armeria sp. - e
Thunberg Spirea Spiraea thunbergi - a
Thunbergii Camphor Cinnamomum thunbergii - a
Thunberg's Amaranthus Amaranthus thunbergii - f
Thurber's Magnolia Magnolia kobus - a, e
Thyme Thymus sp. - a, e
Ti Plant Cordyline terminalis - o
Tickseed Bidens pilosa - f, n
  Bidens sp. - f, n
  Coreopsis sp. - f, n
Tiger Claws  
Tiger Lentinus Lentinus tigrinus - f, n
Tiger Lily Lilium tigrinum - a, c, e, f, n
Tiger Milk Mushroom Lignosus rhinoceros - o
Tiger Orchid Grammatophyllum speciosum - a, f, o
  Odondoglossum grande - e, f, s
Tiger-Striped Houlletia Houlletia tigrina - s
Tiger's Betel Piper porphyrophyllum - a
Tiny Bladderwort Utricularia pusilla - n
Tizra Tree Rhus pentaphylla - f
Toad Lily Tricyrtis hirta - f, o
Toad-tree Tabernaemontana elegans - f
Tobacco-plant Nicotiana tabacum - a e f n, o, s
Toddy Palm Borassus aethiopum - f
Tomarillo Cyphomandra betacea - e
Tomato Lycopersicon esculentum - a, c,f e n, o, s
Tommasini's Crocus Crocus tommasinianus - e
Tommasini's Sandwort Moehringia tommasini - e
Tongkat Ali Eurycoma longifolia - a
Tongue Orchid Serapias lingua - f, n, o
Tonkin Jasmine Telosma cordata - a
Toothache Grass Ctenium aromaticum - n
Toothed Jelly Fungus Pseudohydnum gelatinosum - f
Toothed Orchid Orchis tridentata - c, e
Toothed Wrack Fucus serratus - f
Toothpick Cactus Stetsonia coryne - n, s
Torch Ginger Nicolaia elatior - f, n, o
Tormentil Potentilla erecta - c, e
Impatiens sp. - e, n, s
Tower of Jewels Echium wildpreti - ei
Townsville Stylo Stylosanthes humilus - o
Trailing Arbutus Epigaea repens - n, s
Trailing Jade Senecio petraeus - f
Tran's Paphiopedilum Paphiopedilum tranlienianum - a
Transvaal Beechwood Faurea saligna - f
Transvaal Daisy Gerbera jamesonii - a, c, e, f
Transvaal Red Milkwood Mimusops coriacea - f
Transvaal Wild Banana Strelitzia caudata - f
Travellers Palm Ravenala madagascariensis - a, f, n
Traveller's Joy Clematis vitalba - a, f
Treasure Flower Gazania rigens - f
Tree Cholla Cylindropuntia imbricata - f
Tree Fern Dicksonia arborescens - f
Tree Lungwort Lobaria pulmonaria - c
Tree Mallow Lavatera arborea - e, f
Tree Ohelo Vaccinium calycinum - n
Tree Peony Paeonia suffruticosa - a, c, e, f, n, o
Tree Tumbo Welwitschia mirabilis - f, n
Tree Wisteria Bolusanthus speciosus - f
Tree Wormwood  Artemisia arborescens - a
Trembling Heath Erica vestita - a
Trident Maple Acer buergerianum - a, n
Triangular Column Foot Dendrobium Dendrobium trigonopus - a, f
Triglav Gentian Gentiana terglouensis - e
Triticale Triticosecale sp. - e
Triumfetta Vine Triumphetta procumbens - o
Tropical Almond Terminalia catappa - a, f, n,o
Tropical Bleeding Heart Clerodendrum thomsoniae - f, n, o
Tropical Trumpet Tree Cecropia peltata - n
True Sage Salvia officinalis - a, e, f, n
True Sugar Bush Protea repens - f
Trumpet Agaric Clitocybe geotropa - a, f, n, o
Trumpet Chanterelle Cantharellus infundibuliformis - n
Trumpet Creeper Campsis radicans - a, e, n
Trumpet Daffodil Narcissua pseudonarcissus - a, e, f, n, o
Trumpet Gentian Gentiana dinarica - e
Trumpet Honeysuckle Lonicera sempervirens - n
Trumpet Vine Campsis radicans - a, e, n
  Campsis tagliabuana - f
Tubercule Bearing Phaius Gastrorchis tuberculosis - f
Tuberous Polypore Polyporus tuberaster - f
Tufted Airplant Guzmannia erythrolepis - n
Tufted Lily Thelionema caespitosum - f
Tufted Loosestrife Lysimachia thyrsiflora - s
Tufted Vetch Vicia cracca - e
Tuliptree Liriodendron tulipifera - e, f, n
Tung Aleurites sp - a, f
Tung Tree Vernicia fordii - a, n
Turban Lily Lilium pomponium - f
Turf Mottlegill Panaeolus fimicola - n
Turk's Cap Malvaviscus arborea - n
Turk's Cap Lily Lilium martagon - a, c, e, f, n
  Lilium superbum - n
Turkey Fan Tail Coriolus versicolor - a, f, s
Turkey Oak Quercus cerris - a, e
  Quercus laevis - n
Turkeyberry Tree Cordia collococca - s
Turkish Pine Pinus brutia - e
Turkish Sage Phlomis russeliana - a
Turks Head Cactus Melocactus intortus - f, n
Turmeric Curcuma longa - a, f, n, o, s
Turnip Brassica rapa - a, n, o
Turtle Shell Orchid Rossioglossum ampliatum - n
Tussock Bellflower Campanula carpatica - e
Tussock Cottongrass Eriophorum vaginatum - e, n
Tutsan Hypericum androsaemum - e
Twayblade Liparis hawaiensis - o
Twig Parachute Marasmius ramealis - a, e, f
Twinflower Linnaea borealis - e, n
Twinspur Diascia barberae - f
  Diascia integerrima - f
Twisted Acacia Acacia tortuosa - e, n
Twisted Dendrobium Dendrobium tortile - a, f
Twisted Trichopilia Trichopilia tortilis - f
Two Different Color Dendrobium Dendrobium discolor - a, o
Two-Fold Velvet Bean Mucuna biplicata - a
Two Leaved Squill Scilla bifolia - e
Two-Lobed Eriopsis Eriopsis biloba - f, n
Two-Toothed Brassia Brassia bidens - f
Two-Toothed Tridactyle Tridactyle bicaudata - f

начало - beginning


U g m n p r v

Ugly Milk-cap Lactaruius turpis - n
Umbrella Fern Sticherus cunninghamii - o
Umbrella Polypore Polyporus umbellatus - a, c, f, n
Umbrella Thorn Acacia raddiana - f
  Acacia tortilis - a, f
Umbrella Tree Cussonia spicata - f
  Magnolia tripetala - a
Unscented Dendrobium Dendrobium anosmum - a, c, n, o
Upland Cotton Gossypium hirsutum - c, e, f, n, s
Upright Spurge Euphorbia stricta - e
Upriver Orange Mangrove Bruguiera sexangula - a
Ure-Skinner's Rhynchostele Rhynchostele uroskinneri - f
Urn Plant Aechmea fasciata - e
Uru Elmerilla ovalis - a
Uva del Mar Zygophyllum fontanesii - f

начало - beginning


V a e i l o

Van Staden's Scepter Paranomus reflexus - f
Vanilla Daisy Leuceria suaveolens - s
Variable Cort Cortinarius multiformis - f, s
Variegated Caribbean Agave Agave angustifolia - a
Variegated Catchfly Silene gallica - e
Vase Plant Guzmania lingulata - n, s
Veil Fungus Dictyophora phalloidea - a
Veiled Stinkhorn Dictyophora duplicata - o, s
Veined Phalaenopsis Phalaenopsis venosa - o
Veined Sainfoin Onobrichis venosa - e
Velvet Apple Diospyros blancoi - a 
Velvet Bolete Suillus variegatus - a, c, e, s
  Xerocomus rubellus - c, f, s
Xerocomus subtomentosus - а, e, f, o, s
Velvet Brittlegill Russula citrina - a
Velvet Bushwillow Combretum molle - f
Velvet Horn Codium tomentosum - e
Velvet Pax Paxillus atrotomentosus - a, c, f
Velvet-pod Tree Sterculia lanceolata - a
Velvet Shank Flammulina velutipes - a, c, f, n
Velvet-stemmed Flammulina Flammulina velutipes - a, c, f, n
Venda Cycad Encephalartos hirsutus - f
Venzuelanan Royal Palm Roystonea venezuelana - s
Venus Flytrap Dionaea muscipula - a, e, f, n
Verdigris Agaric Stropharia aeruginosa - a, c, e, f, n, s
Vermillion Waxcap Hygrocybe miniata - a, e, n, s
Vietnamese Coriander Persicaria odorata - a
Vietnamese Ginseng Panax vietnamensis - a
Vietnamese Mickey-mouse Plant Ochna integerrima - a
Vine Vitis vinifera - a c e f n, o, s
Vine-leaved Hibiscus Hibiscus vitifolius - a, f
Vine Maple Acer circinatum - n
Violet Viola sp. - a e, n, o, s f
Violet Bladderwort Utricularia dichotoma - o
Violet Branched Coral Clavulina amethystina - s
Violet Colored Veins Anacheilium Prosthechea ionophlebia - n
Violet Crowned Mushroom Sarcosphaera crassa - e, f
Violet Helleborine Epipactis purpurata - e, n
Violet Limodore Limodorum abortivum - e, f
Violet Marasmius Mushroom Marasmius violaceus - a
Violet Phalaenopsis Phalaenopsis violacea - a, f, n, o
Violet Pouch Fungus Thaxterogaster porphyreus - о
Violet Trumpet Vine Clytostoma callistegioides - a
Violet Webcap Cortinarius violaceus - a, c, f, n
Viper's Bugloss Echium vulgare - e
  Pontechium maculatum - e
Viper's Grass Scorzonera rosea - e
Vireya Rhododendron Rhododendron jasminiflorum - a
Virgin Bush Vitex agnus-castus - a, e
Virginia Bluebells Mertensia virginica - n
Virginia Catchfly Silene virginica - e, n
Virginia Rose Rosa virginiana - e
Virginia Strawberry Fragaria virginiana - a, n
Vittadini's Lepidella Amanita  vittadinii - f 
Vlei Lily Crinum pedicellatum - f
Von Martin's Brassavola Brassavola martiana - f, n, s

начало - beginning


W a e h i o r y

Wagon Tree Protea nitida - f
Waling-waling Orchid Vanda sanderiana - a, f, n, o
Walking Iris Neomarica coerulea - f, n
  Trimezia martinicensis - n
Wall Germander Teucruim chamaedrys - f
Wallaby-grass Rytidosperma clelandii - o
Wallflower Cheiranthus cheiri - a, e, f
Wall-Growing Trichoceros Trichoceros muralis - n
Ward's Dendrobium Dendrobium wardianum - a, f, s
Warrior's Blood Nigritella rubra - e
Warted Amanita Amanita solitaria - c, f
Wash Wood Jacquinia proctorii - n
Water Apple
Eugenia aquea - a
Water Arum Calla palustris - e
Water Avens Geum rivale - a, f
Water Berry Syzigium cordatum - f
Water Blinks Montia fontana - s
Water Crinum Crinum campanulatum - f
Water Fern Salvinia natans - c, e
Water Forget-me-not Myosotis scorpioides - a, e
Water Hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes - a, e, f, n, o, s
Water Hyssop Bacopa monnieri - a, f, n
Water Jasmine Wrightia religiosa - a
Water Lemon Passiflora laurifolia - a, n, o, s
Water Lettuce Pistia stratiotes - a, f
Water Lily Nymphaea colorata - f
  Nymphaea sp. - a, e, f, n, o, s
Water Lobelia Lobelia dortmanna - c, e
Water Mint Mentha aquatica - f
Water Moss Fontinalis antipyretica - e
Water Nut Trapa natans - c, e
Water Pepper Polygonum hydropiper - a, f
Water-Plaintain Like Leaf Calanthe Calanthe alismifolia - a, f
Water Poppy Hydrocleis nymphoides - s
  Limnocharis flava - a
Water Primrose Ludwigia stogonifera - f
Lythrum portula - e
Water Thyme Elodea canadensis - e
Water Snowflake Nymphoides indicum - a, f
Water Spinach Ipomoea aquatica - a, f,o
Water Sugarbush Protea punctata - f
Water Violet Hottonia palustris - e
Watercress Nasturtium officinale - a
Watergrass Echinochloa crus-galli - n
Waterleaf Hygrophila auriculata - f
Watermelon Citrullus vulgaris - a c, e, f, n, o, s
Waterwheel Plant Aldrovanda vesiculosa - a, e, f
Wattle Acacia cyanophylla - f
  Acacia drepanolobium - f
  Acacia gerrardii - f
  Acacia mellifera - f
  Acacia sieberiana - f
Wavy Odontoglossum Odontoglossum cirrhosum - s
Wavy-leaved Mullein Verbascum sinuatum - e, n
Wax Apple Syzygium samarangense - a, f
Wax Jasmine Jasminum simplicifolium - o
Wax Rose Pereskia bleo - e, n
Weak-stemmed Painted Lady Gladiolus debilis - f
Wee Jasper Grevillea Grevillea iaspicula - o
Wedding Bell Anemone coronaria -a, e, f
Weeping Broom Carmichaelia stevensonii - o
Weeping Cherry Tree Prunus itosakura - a, n
Weeping Fig Ficus benjamina - a, e, n
Weeping Forsythia Forsythia suspensa - a
Weeping Higan Cherry Prunus pendula - a
Weeping Wattle Peltophorum africanum - f
Weeping Willow Salix babylonica - a, e
Welsh Onion Allium fistulosum - a, e
West Australian Pitcher Plant Cephalotus follicularis - n, o
West Indian Cedar Cedrela odorata - n, s
West Indian Cherry Malpighia emarginata - f, n, s
West Indian Mahogany Swietenia mahagoni - a, n
West Indian Tree Fern Cyathea arborea - n
Westcot apricot
Western Australian Grass Tree Xanthorrhoea preissii - f
Western Columbine Aquilegia formosa - n
Western Flattop Mushroom Agaricus praeclarisquamosus - f
Western Hemlock Tsuga heterophylla - n
Western March-orchid Dactylorhiza majalis - с, e
Western Rhigozum Rhigosum brevispinosum - f
Western Sword Fern Polystichum minutum - n
Western Wallflower Dudleya lanceolata - f
Western Waterweed Elodea nuttallii - e
Western White Clematis Clematis ligusticifolia - n
Wetland Nettle Urtica kioviensis - e
Whale Like Lepanthes Lepanthes yubarta - s
Wheat Triticum aestivum - a, c, e, f, o, n, s
Whip-leafed Brassavola Brassavola flagellaris - f
Whisk Fern Psilotum nudum - o
Whistling Thorn Acacia drepanolobium - f
White Adler Turnera subulata - f
White Arum Lily Zantedeschia aethiopica - a, e, f, n, s
White Asphodel Asphodelus albus - e
White Azalea Rhododendron quinquefolium - a
White Ball Stinkhorn Clathrus crispus - n
White Bat Flower Tacca integrifolia - f
White Bear Poppy Arctomecon merriamii - n
White Birch Betula pubescens - a, e, n
White Bryony Bryonia dioica - e
White Butterfly Tree Mussaenda glabra - a
White Campion Silene latifolia - e
White Сedar Tabebuia heterophylla - n, s
  Tabebuia pallida - n
White Champaca Michelia alba - a
White Cheesewood Melodorum fruticosum - a
White Clover Trifolium repens - a, e, o
White Cordia Cordia abyssinica - f
White Dapperling Leucoagaricus naucinus - f, n
White Dog Orchid Codonorchis lessoni - s
White Domecap Lyophyllum connatum - c, e, f
White-egg Bird's Nest Crucibulum vulgare - f
White Encyclia Encyclia leucantha - f
White-eyed Duiker-root Grielum hunmifusium - f
White Forsythia Abeliophyllum distichum - a
White Frangipani Plumeria alba - a,n,s
White-fringed Orchid Platanthera blephariglottis - n
White Garden Lily Lilium candidum - a, e, f, n
White Gardenia Gardenia thunbergii - f, o
White Ginger Hedychium coronarium - a, n, o, s
White Guabiroba Campomanesia adamantium - s
White Helleborine Cephalanthera damasonium - e, f
White Horse Flower Portlandia albiflora - n, s
  Portlandia grandiflora - n
White Ipê Tabebuia roseo-alba - s
White Magnolia Magnolia denudata - a, c
White Maiden-hair Asplenium ruta-muraria - e
White Mallow Althaea officinalis - a, e, f
White Marasmius Marasmiellus candidus - n
White Marsh Marigold Caltha leptosepala - n
White Milkwood Endospermum medullosum - o
White Mountain Avens Dryas octopetala - a, e, f
White Mulberry Morus alba - a, c, e
White Mustard Sinapsis alba - f
White Nun Orchid Lycaste skinneri - e, f, n, o, s
White Oak Quercus alba - n
White Oleander Nerium oleander - n, o
White Oliverwood Terminalia amazonica - n
White Oysterette Cheimonophyllum candidissimum - s
White Pepper Piper albus - a, n
White Poinciana Poinciana elata - f
White Pond Lily Nymphaea odorata - n
White Poplar Populus alba - e, f
White Pua Flower Fagraea berteroana - o
White Sapote Casimiroa edulis - a
White Saxaul Haloxylon persicum - c
White-Scarlet Trichocentrum Trichocentrum albococcineum - f
White Shooting Star Dodecatheon dentatum - s
White Snow Fungus Tremella fuciformes - a, f, n
White Spruce Picea glauca - e
White Spindles Clavaria vermicularis - n
White Star Apple Chrysophyllum albidum - f
White tajibo tree  
White Trillium Trillium grandiflorum - e, f, n
White Truffle Tuber magnatum - e
White Violet Viola canadensis - n
White Water Lily Nymphaea alba - a, c, e, f, n
White Webcap Cortinarius bulbiger - f
White Willow Salix alba - c, e, f, o
White Wood Lagunaria pattersonii - o
  Petrobium arboretum - f
  Tabebuia heterophylla - n, s
Whiteflower Beach Morning Glory Ipomoea littoralis - o
White-fringed Ground orchid Holothrix longiflora - f
White-fringed Orchid Platanthera blephariglottis - n
Whitelaced Shank Oudemansiella platyphylla - a
  Megacollybia platyphylla - f
Wide Leaf Orchid Orchis latifolia - e
Wild Alfalfa Psoralea tenuiflora - n
Wild Allamanda Urechites lutea - n
Wild Angelica Angelica sylvestris - e
Wild Artichoke Cynara cardunculus - e, f, n, s
Wild Banana Orchid Schomburgkia thomsoniana - n
Wild Basil Ocimum suave - f
Wild Betel Piper sarmentosum - a
Wild Blackberry Rubus procerus - c, e
Wild Brazilian Pear Eugenia klotzschiana - s
Wild Cacao Theobroma grandiflorum - s
Wild Celery Apium australe - f
Wild Chamomile Matricaria chamomilla - a, c, e, n
Wild Cherry Cerasus avium - a, c, e, f, s
Wild Chestnut Calodendrum capense - f
  Pachira insignis - n
Wild Cinnamon Canella winterana - n
Wild Columbine Aquilegia canadensis - n, s
Wild Currant Lantana aculeata - f
Wild Custard Apple Annona chrysophylla - f, n
  Annona senegalensis - f
Wild Date Palm Phoenix sylvestris - f
Wild Fig Ficus sp. - a, e, f
Wild Flax Linum lewisii - n
Wild Garlic Allium ursinum - a, c, e
  Tulbaghia dieterlenii - f
Wild Gardenia Gardenia thunbergii - f, o
Wild Geranium Geranium incanum - f
  Geranium maculatum - f, s
Wild Ginger Asarum caudatum - s
  Asarum caulescens - a
  Hedychium gardnerianum - f, o
Wild Guava Careya arborea - a
Wild Hollyhock Iliamna grandiflora - s
Wild Himalayan Cherry Prunus cerasoides - a
Wild Loquat Uapaca kirkiana - f
Wild Magellan Strawberry Rubus geoides - s
Wild Marigold Tagetes minuta - f, s
  Wedelia calycina - n
Wild Medlar Vangueria infausta - f
Wild Pansy Viola tricolor - a, c, e, n
Wild Peach Kiggelaria africana - f
Wild Pear Pyrus pyraster - e
Wild Peony Paeonia maskula - a, e, f
Wild Pepper Piper capense - f
Wild Pine Pinus silvestris - a, c, e, n
Wild Plantain Heliconia bihai - f, n, s
Wild Pomegranate Burchellia bubalina - f
Wild Raspberry Rubus idaeus - c, e, f, n
Wild Rhododendron Rhododendron macrophyllum - n
Wild Rose Rosa acicularis - a, c, e, n
Wild Sage Lantana camara - a, f n, o, s
  Lantana involuciata - n
Wild Strawberry Fragaria vesca - a, c, e, n
Wild Sweet Pea Crotalaria retusa - f, n, o
Wild Sweet Sop Rollinia deliciosa - a
Wild Taro Colocasia esculenta - a, e, f, n, o
Wild Teasel Dipsacus fullonum - e
Wild Thyme Coridothymus capitatus - a, f
Wild Tulip Tulipa sylvestris - a, c, e, f
Wild Turmeric Curcuma aromatica - a
Wild Vanilla Vanilla phalaenopsis - f
Wild Verbena Pentanisia schweinfurthii - f
Wild Wormwood Artemisia afra - f
Willow Salix sp. - a, e, f, n
Willow Herb Epilobium fleischeri - e
Willow-leaf Hebe Hebe salicifolia - o
Willow-leafed Magnolia Magnolia salicifolia - a
Winekork Brittlegill Russula adusta - c
Wine-colored Agaricus Agaricus subrutilescens - a
Wine-red Stropharia Stropharia rugosoannulata - f
Window Plant Fenestraria aurantiaca - f
Wing Begonia Begonia coccinea - f
Winged Asparagus Tea Tetragonolobus purpureus - e
Winged Bean Psophocarpus tetragonolobus - a
Winged Encyclia Encyclia alata - f, n
Winged Wattle Acacia alata - o
Winter Aconit Eranthis hyemalis - e, n
Winter Cherry Physalis alkekengi - a, e
Winter Daffodil Sternbergia lutea - f, n
Winter Flowering Begonia Begonia hiemalis - a
Winter Heath Erica carnea - e
Winter Jasmine Jasminum nudiflorum - a, e
Winter Polypore Polyporus bruminalis - s
Winterberry Ilex verticillata - n
Wiregrass Aristida stricta - n
Wishbone Flower Torenia fournieri - f
Witchweed Striga densiflora - n
Wolato Wood Vitex cofassus - a
Wolf Cub Physarum album - c
Wolfbane Periploca laevigata - f
Wolf's Udder Lycogala epidendrum - f
Wollemi Pine Wollemia nobilis - o
Wonder-flower Ornithogalum thrysoides - f
Wood Apple Aegle marmelos - a
Wood Blewit Lepista nuda - a, c, e, f, n, s
Wood Cauliflower Sparassis crispa - c, e
Wood Cranesbill Geranium sylvaticum - e
Wood Forget-me-not Myosotis sylvatica - e
Wood Garlic Mummy Cap Marasmius alliaceus - f
Wood Hedgehog Mushroom Hydnum repandum - a, c, e, f, n
Wood Hyacinth Scilla campanulata - e
Wood Mushroom Agaricus abruptibulbus - f
  Agaricus silvicola - f
Wood Roof Asperula sp. - e
Woodear Auricularia polytricha - a
Woods' Rose Rosa woodsii - a, f, n, o
Woolly Blue Violet Viola sororia - n
Woolly Caperbush Capparis tomentosa - f
Woolly Falks Ragwort Senecio littoralis - s
Wooly Inkcap Coprinus lagopus - f
Woolly Milk-cap Lactarius torminosus - а, c, e, f
Wooly Pollina Dendrobium Dendrobium lasianthera - a, f, o
Wooly Thistle Cirsium eriophorum - e
Woolly Velvet Polypore Onnia tomentosa - f
Woollyhead Craspedia incana - o
Worm Grass Spigelia anthelmia - n
Wreath-Shaped Otoglossum Otoglossum coronarium - o
Wright's Gardenia Rothmannia annae - f
Wrinkly Paphinia Paphinia rugosa - s
Wych-Elm Ulmus glabra - e

начало - beginning


начало - beginning

Y a e l o u

Yam Dioscorea alata - a, f
Yam Bean Pachyrrhizus erosus - a
Yarrow Achillea millefolium - a, c, e, f
Yarrow Broomrape Orobanche purpurea - e
Yauaperi River Sobralia Sobralia yauaperyensis - f
Yellow Adder's Tongue Erythronium americanum - n
Yellow Ageratum Lonas annua - f
Yellow Allamanda Allamanda cathartica - a f o n, s
Yellow Alplily Llyodia flavonutans - a
Yellow Anemone Anemone ranunculoides - c, e
Yellow Archangel Lamium galeobdolon - e
Yellow Azalea Rhododendron luteum - e, f
Yellow Balsam Croton flavens - n
Yellow Bartsia Parentucellia viscosa - e
Yellow Bee Orchid Ophrys lutea - f, e
Yellow Bell Allamanda cathartica - a f o n, s
Yellow Bolete Boletus junquilleus - f
Yellow Calla Lily Zantedeschia ellotiana - f, n
Yellow Chanterelle Cantharellus cibarius - a c e f n, o
Yellow Corydalis Corydalis aurea - n
Yellow Corn Cap Bolbitis vitellinus - f, n, o
Yellow Cowhorn Orchid Cyrtopodium polyphyllum - n
Yellow Cracked Boletus Xerocomus subtomentosus - а, e, f, o
Yellow Cracking Bolete Boletus crocipodius - f, n, o
  Leccinium nigrescens - f
Yellow Cyprus Sun Rose Helianthemum obtusifolium - e
Yellow Domecap Calocybe chrysenteron - f
Yellow Fairy Lily Zephyranthes ajax - a
Yellow Flag Iris Iris pseudacorus - a, с, e, f, s
Yellow Floating Heart Nymphoides peltata - c, e, f
Yellow Flowered Phaius Phajus flavus - n, o
Yellow Footed Chanterelle Cantharellus lutescens - f
Yellow Foxglove Digitalis ambigua - e
Yellow-Fringed Orchid Platanthera ciliaris - f
Yellow Fumewort Corydalis flavula - n
Yellow Gagea Gagea villosa - e
Yellow Geiger Cordia lutea - f, s
Yellow Gentian Gentiana lutea - e, f
Yellow Ginger Lily Hedychium flavescens - a, o
Yellow Goblet Austropaxillus infundibuliformis - o
Yellow Groove Bamboo Phyllostachis aureosulcata - a
Yellow Hibiscus Hibiscus brackenridgei - o
Yellow Horned Poppy Glaucium flavum - c, e, f
Yellow Knight Tricholoma auratum - n
  Tricholoma equestre - e
  Tricholoma flavovirens - e, f
Yellow Lady's Slipper Cypripedium parviflorum - f, n
Yellow Lantern Chilli Capsicum chinense - s
Yellow Lupin Lupinus luteus - f
Yellow Mahoe Hibiscus tiliaceus - a, f, o, n
Yellow Mallow Tree Hibiscus tiliaceus - a, f, o, n
Yellow Mariposa Calochorthus luteus - e
Yellow Marsh Afrikander Gladiolus tristis - f
Yellow Masdevalia Masdevallia kimballiana - e
Yellow Meranti Shorea faguerisiana - a
Yellow Morning Glory Ipomoea tuberosa - n
Yellow Mountain Bell Darwinia collina - o
Yellow Oleander Thevetia peruviana - a, e, f, n
Yellow Oxalis Oxalis corniculata - o
Yellow Ox-eye Chrysanthemum segetum - e, f
Yellow Parasol Leucocoprinus luteus - f, n
Yellow Patches Amanita flavoconia - o
Yellow Pholiota Pholiota flammans - e, f, n
Yellow Poinciana Peltophorum dubium - s
Yellow Pond Lily Nuphar lutea - c, e, n
Yellow Pops Tecoma stans - a, f, n, s
Yellow Poui Tabebuia chrysantha - n, s
Yellow Poplar Liriodendron tulipifera - e, f, n
Yellow Pops Tecoma stans - a, f, n, s
  Tabebuia rufescens - n
  Tabebuia serratifolia - n, s
Yellow-Purple Odontoglossum Odontoglossum luteopurpureum - a, s
Yellow Purslane Portulaca lutea - o
Yellow Queen Orchids  
Yellow Rose  Rosa sulfurea - n
Yellow Saraca Saraca cauliflora - a, e
Yellow Shak-shak Crotalaria retusa - f, n
Yellow Silk Indian Tree Cochlospermum religiosum - a
Yellow Simpoh Dillenia suffruticosa - a
Yellow Slime Mould Fomes fomentarius - e, f
Yellow Slipper Orchid Paphiopedilum concolor - a, f
Yellow Stainer Agaricus xanthodermus - e, f, s
Yellow Stagshorn Calocera viscosa - c, e, f, n
Yellow Star Flower Hypoxis hemerocallidea - f
Yellow Stemmed Mycena Mycena epipterygia - f, n
Yellow Stereum Stereum hirsutum - f
Yellow Swamp Russula Russula claroflava - f, o, s
  Russula flava - a
Yellow Tulip Tulipa lutea - e
Yellow Trumpet Sarracenia flava - a, e, f, n
Yellow-Vein Eranthemum  Pseuderanthemum reticulatum - a
Yellow Waxy Cap Hygrocybe flavescens - n
Yellow Webcap Cortinarius delibutus - c
Yellow Wild Iris Dietes bicolor - f
Yellow Wood-sorrel Oxalis corniculata - o
Yellow Wood Violet Viola biflora - e
Yellowboy Tecoma chrysostricha - a, s
  Tecoma stans - a, f, n, s
Yellowfoot Bolete Harrya chromapes - f
Yellowing Cup Peziza succosa - f
Yellowish Scabius Scabiosa ochroleuca - c, e
Yellowroot Morinda royoc - n
Yellow-crested Orchid Platanthera cristata - n
Yellow-throated Crocus Crocus longiflorus - e
Yellow-tipped Coral Ramaria formosa - c, e, f, n, s
Yellow-veiled Amanita Amanita aspera - f
Yellow-white Mycena Mycena flavoalba - n
Ylang Ylang Cananga odorata - a, f, n, o
Yoshino Cherry Prunus yedoensis - a
Yulan Magnolia Magnolia denudata - a
Yunan Fir Tsuga junnanensis - a
Yunan Yew Amentotaxus yunnanensis - a
Yunnan Globeflower Trollius yunnanensis - f

начало - beginning

Z a e i

Zambesi Polystachya Polystachya zambesiaca - f
Zambezi Redwood Baikiaea plurijuga - f
Zambezi Teak Baikiaea plurijuga - f
Zebra Leaf Aloe Aloe zebrina - f
Zebra Plant Aphelandra squarrosa - n, s
  Haworthiopsis fasciata - s
Zedoary Curcuma zedoaria - a, o
Zeller's Bolete Boletus zelleri - f, n
Zeller's Tricholoma Tricholoma zelleri - f
Zephyr lily Zephyranthes grandiflora - n
Zigzat Bladderwort Utricularia subulata - o
Ziricote Cordia dodecandra - n
Zois's Bellflower Campanula zoysii - e