English plant and fungi names

L a e i l o u y

Labrador Tea Ledum groenlandicum - c, n
Labrador Violet Viola labradorica - f
Labuk River Paraphalaenopsis Paraphalaenopsis labukensis - a
Lace Fern Microlepia strigosa - n
Lacebark Pine Pinus bungeana - a
Lacklustre Laccata Laccaria laccata - f, s
Ladies Finger Hibiscus esculentus - a, f, n, s
Lady Ackland's Cattleya Cattleya aclandiae - a, e, f, n
Lady Fern Athyrium filix-femina - e, f
Lady Lawrence's Aerides Aerides lawrenceae - a, f
Lady Monson Monsonia speciosa - f
Lady of the Night Brassavola nodosa - f, n, s
  Cestrum nocturnum - f, n, o
Lady Orchid Orchis purpurea - a, c, e, f, n
Lady's Bedstraw Galium verum - c
Lady's Mantle Alchemilla faeroensis - e
Lady's Petticoat Brugmansia suaveolens - a, f, n
Lady's Slipper Orchid Cypripedium calceolus - a, c, e, f, n, o
  Cypripedium irapeanum - f, n
  Cypripedium niveum - s
  Cypripedium oenanthum - s
  Cypripedium rothschildianum - s
  Cypripedium sp. - a, f, n, s
  Cypripedium sp. - s
Lady's-thumb Smartweed Persicaria maculosa - f
Laestadius' Poppy Papaver laestadinum - e
Lance Head Oncidium
Oncidium hastatum - f, n
Lance-Head Sacoila Sacolia lanceolata - n, s
Lance-leaf Geebung Persoonia lanceolata - f
Landslide Mushroom Psilocybe caerulescens - f, n
Langusei Tree Ficus minahasae - a
Lansan Tree Protium attenatum - n
Lantern Tree Hernandia nymphaeifolia - o
Lapta Stonecrop Sedum lampusae - e
Laquered Bracket Ganoderma lucidum - a, e, f
Large Bellflower Wahlenbergia linifolia - f
Large Blue Cort Cortinarius caerulescens - f
Large-Columned Aerangis Aerangis stylosa - f
Large Dewflower Murdannia simplex - f
Large-flowered Bee Ophrys Ophrys episcopalis - f
Large Flowered Cyrtochilum Oncidium macranthum - f, n, o, s
Large Flowered Lady's Slipper Cypripedium macranthum - a, e, f
Large Flowered Platanthera Platanthera grandiflora - n
Large-Flowered Pompona Vanilla
Vanilla lutescens - f
Large Flowered Sage Salvia grandiflora - a
Large-Flowered Sobralia Sobralia macrantha - e, f, n, o, s
Large-flowered Butterwort Pinguicula grandiflora - e
Large-flowered Evening Primrose Oenothera glazoioviana - a
Large-flowered St. Johns Wort Hypericum calycinum - e, f
Large-flowered Uvaria Uvaria grandiflora - a
Large Isochilus Isochilus major - n
Large-Leafed Dendrobium Dendrobium macrophyllum - a, f, n, o
Large-leaved Poison Rope Strophanthus kombe - f
Large-lipped Encydia Encyclia cordigera - n, o
Large Phoenix Tail Cymbidium ensifolium - a, n, o
Large Rossioglossum Rossioglossum grande - c, f, n
Large Self-heal Prunella grandiflora - e
Large Star of Bethlehem Ornithogalum arabicum - a, e, f
Large Veined Sun Orchid Thelymitra venosa - o
Large Wild Iris Dietes grandiflora - f
Large Yellow Foxglove Digitalis grandiflora - e
Larkspur Delphinium sp. - e
Lantern Tree  
Late Spider Orchid Ophrys holoserica - a, e, f
Laurel Tree Sinopora hongkongensis - a
Lava Cactus Brachycereus nesioticus - f, s
Lavender Lavandula sp. - n, o
  Perezia recurvata - s
Lavender Croton Croton gratissimus - f
Lavender Star Grewia caffra - o
Lavender Star Flower Grewia occidentalis - f
Layered Cup Peziza varia - f
Lawn Orchid Zeuxine strateumatica - n
Layered Acorn Oak Quercus lamellosa - f
Le Gal's Bolete Boletus legaliae - e, f, n, s
Lead Poisoner Rhodophyllus sinuatus - f, e
Leadwort Plumbago zeylanica - a, f, o
Leafy Purple Flag Patersonia glabrata - f
Leafy Spurge Euphorbia esula - s
Leafy Vanilla Orchid Vanilla phaeantha - n
Least Adder's Tongue Ophioglossum lusitanicum - e
Least Water-lily Nuphar pumila - a
Leatherleaf Mahonia Mahonia japonica - a
Lebombo ironwood Androstachys johnsonii - f
Leek Allium porrum - a, e, f, n, o
Lemon Citrus limon - a, c, e, f, n, o, s
Lemon Aspen Acronychia acidula - o
Lemon Balm Melissa officinalis - a, f
Lemon Button Fern Nephrolepis cordifolia - a
Lemon Drop Mangosteen Garcinia intermedia - n
Lemon Grass Cymbopogon citratus - f, n
Lemon Lavender Lavandula citriodora - a
Lemon Lily Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus - a, e, s
  Lilium parryi - f
Lemon Myrtle Backhousia citriodora - o
Lemon-scented Gum Corymbia citriodora - o
Lemon-scented Verbena Lippia citriodora - s
Lemon Thyme Thymus pulegioides - e
Lemon Yellow Rosemallow Hibiscus calyphyllus - f
Lentil Lens culinaris - e, f, s
Lentisk Pistacia lentiscus - e
Leopard Lily Belamcanda chinensis - a, n
  Lilium pardalinum - f, o
Leopard Orchid Anselia africana - c. f, n, o
Leopard Plant Farfugium japonicum - a
Leopard's-Bane Arnica montana - c, e, f
Lesser Butterfly-orchid Platanthera bifolia - c, e
Lesser Celandine Ficaria verna - c, e, f, o
Lesser Dodder Cuscuta epithymum - e
Lesser Ginger Alpinia conchigera - a 
Lesser Periwinkle Vinca minor - a, c, e, f
Lesser Yam Dioscorea esculenta - o
Lessing Feather Grass Stipa lessingiana - c
Lettuce Lactuca sativa - a, e, f, n, o
Lettuce Tree Pisonia grandis - a, o
Liberty Cap Psilocybe guilartensis - n
Libyan Palm Tree f
Lifelong Saxifrage Saxifraga paniculata - e
Light Red Meranti Shorea leprosula - a
Lignum Vitae Guajacum officinale - a, n, s
Lilac Syringa vulgaris - a, c, e, f, n
Lilac Bonnet Mycena pura - c, f, n, o
Lilac Dapperling Cystolepiota bucknalii - f
Lilly-pilly Tree Acmena smithii - o
Lily Lilium sp.
Lily Magnolia Magnolia liliflora - a, e, s
Lily Shot Canna indica - a, c, f, n, o, s
Lily of Ladybells Adenophora liliifolia - e
Lily of the Field Sternbergia sp. - f
Lily-of-the-Nile Agapanthus africanus - e, f, s
Lily of the Valley Convallaria majalis - a, c , e, f, o, s
Lima Beans Phaseoulus lunatus - f
Lime Citrus aurantifolia - a, f, n, o, s
Limestone Lily Ornithoglossum calcicola - f
Linden Arrowwood Viburnum dilatatum - a
Linden Hibiscus Hibiscus tiliaceus - a, f, o, n
Lindheimer's Beeblossom Gaura lindheimeri - e
Ling Caluna vulgaris - e
Lingonberry Vaccinium vitis-idaea - a, c, e, f, n
Lingzhi Mushroom Ganoderma lucidum - a, f
Lion Shield Pluteus leoninus - c, f, s
Lion's Ear Leonotis leonurus - f
Lions Moustache Orchid Angraecum leonis - e, f, n
Lipstick Palm Cyrtostachys renda - a
Lipstick Plant Aeschinanthus radicans - a
Lipstick Tree Bixa orellana - n, o, s
Liquorice Glycyrrhiza sp. -a
  Glycyrrhiza glabra - a, c, e, f
Little Bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium - n
Little Larkspur Delphinium bicolor - n
Little Primrose Primula minima - c, e
Little Wheel Toadstool Marasmius rotula - s, n
Liver Milkcap Lactarius hepaticus - c, f
Liverleaf Hepatica nobilis - c, e
Liverwort Navel Mushroom Loreleia marchantiae - f
Living Stones Lithops aucampiae - f
  Lithops bromfieldii - f
  Lithops dorotheae - f
  Lithops fulviceps - f
  Lithops karasmontana - f
  Lithops schwantesii - f
Livingstone Daisy Dorotheanthus bellidiformis - e, f
Lizard Orchid Himanthoglossum hircinum - e, f
Lizard's Tail Saururus cernuus - f
Llareta Plant Azorella compacta - s
Lobb's Bulbophyllum Bulbophyllum lobbi - a, e, f, n , o
Loblolly Bay Gordonia lasianthus - f
Lobster Claw Heliconia aurantiaca - n
Locust Hymenaea courbaril - n, s
Locust Berry Byrsonima spicata - n
Loganberry Rubus loganobaccus - e
Logwood Haematoxylon campecheanum - a, n
Loebner's Magnolie Magnolia loebneri - n
Loneliest Palm Hyophorbe amaricaulis - a
Lohan Pine Podocarpus macrophyllus - a
Long Beech Fern Phegopteris connectilis - e
Long Flowered Bulbophyllum
Bulbophyllum longifolium - f, n, o
Long John Triplaris surinamensis - n, s
Long Inflorence Polystachya Polystachya longiscapa - f
Long Purple-flag Patersonia sp. - e
Longbeak Eucalyptus Eucalyptus camaldulensis - f, o
Longclaw Eltroplectris calcarata - n
Long-leaf Sugarbush Protea longifolia - f
Long-Leaved Gulfweed Sargassum filipendula - n
Long-lipped Serapias Serapias vomeracea - o
Longroot Smartweed Polygonum amphibium - a
Looking-glass Mangrove Heritiera littoralis- f
Loose-flowered Orchid Orchis laxiflora - a, e
Loquat Eriobotrya japonica - a, e, n
Lotus Nelumbo sp. - a, n, o
Lousewort Pedicularis sceptrum-carolinum - e
Lovechaste Vitex triloba - f
Love Lies Bleeding Amaranthus caudatus - e, s
Love-in-a-Mist Nigella sp. - a, e
  Passiflora foetida - a, n, o
Low's Cynorkis Cynorchis lowiana - f
Low's Pitcher Plant Nepenthes lowii - a
Lowye Cannelle Cinnamomum verum - a, f, n, o
Lucky Bamboo Dracaena braunii - n
Lucky Leaf Kalanchoe pinnatum - f, n
Lucern Medicago sativa - c, f
Lungwort Pulmonaria obscura - c
Lurid Bolete Boletus luridus - a, c, e, f, n, o, s
Lusterleaf Holly Ilex latifolia - a
Luzon Vanda Vanda luzonica - a, f
Lychee Litchi chinensis - a, f, n, o
Lydenburg Cycad Encephalartos inopinus- f
Lyme Grass Leymus arenarius - e
Lyngbye's Sedge Carex lyngbyei - e

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