G - English plant and fungi names

G a e h i l o r u y

Gaboon Aucoumea klaineana - f
Galapagos Carpetweed Sesuvium edomonstoneii - f
Gambia Teabush Lippia adoensis - f
Gamhar Gmelina arborea - a
Gandaria Bouea macrophylla - a
Garden Balsam Impatiens balsamina - a, f
Garden Bleeding Heart Dicentra spectabilis - a, e, f, n
Garden Cress Lepidium sativum - e
Garden Croton Codiaeum variegatum - a, f, n, o
Garden Monk's Hood Aconitum napellus - e, f
Garden Peony Paeonia lactiflora - a, c, e, f, n
Garden Pimpernel Anagallis monelli - a, f
Garden Radish Raphanus sativus - a, c, e, f, n, o, s
Garden Sage Salvia officinalis - e
Garden Strawberry Fragaria ananassa - a, c, e, f, n, o, s
Garden Zinnia Zinnia elegans - a, c, e, f, n
Garland Flower Clarkia unguiculata - o
Garlic Allium sativum - a, c, e, f, n, o, s
Garlic Marasmius Marasmius scorodonius - c, f
Garlic Mustard Alliaria petiolata - e
Gaskell's Cattleya Cattleya gaskeliana - f, n, s
Geiger Tree Cordia sebestena - f, n, s
Gemsbok Cucumber Acanthosicyos naudinianus - f 
Gemsbokgras Eragrostis pallens - f
Genip Melicoсcus bijugatus - n
Geraldton Waxflower  Chamelaucium uncinatum - n
Geranium Pelargonium hortorum - a
German Catchfly Lychnis viscaria - e
German Primrose Primula obconica - a, f
Gesho Rhamnus prinoides - f
Ghaf Tree Prosopis cineraria - a
Ghost Fungus Omphalotus nidiformis - f, o
Ghost Gum Eucalyptus papuana - o
Ghost Tree Davidia involucrata - a
  Maniltoa gemmipara - a
Ghost Orchid Dendrophylax funalis - f, n
  Epipogium aphyllum - c, e, f
Ghost's Foot Trevesia burckii - a
Giant Alocasia Alocasia macrorhiza - a, n, o
Giant Aroid Lily Amorphophallus titanum - a, f
Giant Bell Flower Wahlenbergia undulata - f
Giant Cane Arundinaria gigantea - n
Giant Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia speciosa - a, f, n, s
Giant Fennel Ferula communis - e
Giant Funnel Leucopaxillus giganteus - f
Giant Granadilla Passiflora quadrangularis - e,f, o, n, s
Giant Groundsel Senecio erici-rosenii - f
Giant Gymnopilus Gymnopilus junonius - f, n
Giant Hazel Corylus maxima - a
Giant Helleborine Epipactis gigantea - n
Giant Honey Flower Melianthus major - f
Giant Kelp Macrocystis pyrifera - f, s
Giant Lobelias Lobelia wollastonii - f
Giant Milkweed Calotropis gigantea - a,n, o
Giant Panus Pleurotus levis - n
Giant Pineapple Lily Eucomis pallidiflora - s
Giant Potato Ipomoea mauritiana - f
Giant Puffball Langermannia gigantea - c, e, f
Giant Rhynchostylis Rhynchostylis gigantea - a, f, n, s
Giant Sequoya Sequoiadendron giganteum - e, n
Giant Spider Lily Crinum amabile - n
Giant Spiral Ginger Tapeinochilos ananassae - o
Giant Squill Scilla peruviana - e, f, n
Giant Strangler Fig Tree Ficus stupenda - f
Giant Swamp Taro Cyrtosperma chamissonis - o
Giant Tangier Fennel Ferula tingitana - e
Giant Vandopsis Vandopsis gigantea - a, n
Giant Water Lily Victoria amazonica - a, e, f, n, s
Giant White Moonflower Ipomoea alba - f, n
Giant Wild Pine Tillandsia utriculata - n
Giant Yellow Mulberry Myrianthus arboreus - f
Gibberosum Fern Loxoscaphe gibberosum - o
Gibraltar Campion Silene tomentosa - e
Gibraltar Candytuft Iberis gibraltarica - e
Gibraltar Chickweed Cerastium gibraltaricum - e
Gibraltar Saxifrage Saxifraga globulifera - e
Gibraltar Sea Lavender Limonium emarginatum - e
Gibraltar Thyme Thymus willdenowii - e
Gigantic Phalaenopsis Phalaenopsis gigantea - a
Gilboa Iris Iris haynei - a
Gilpin's Microcoelia Microcoelia gilpinae - f
Ginger Zingiber officinale - f, n, s
  Zingiber sp. - a, f, n
Ginger-leaf Morning Glory Ipomoea asarifolia - f
Ginseng Panax shinseng - a, c, s
Gipsy Rose Knautia arvensis - e
Giraffe Thorn Acacia giraffae - f
Girdled Panaeolus Panaeolus semiovatus - f, n
Glacier Avens Novosieversia glacialis - c
Glacier Buttercup Ranunculus glacialis - e, f
Gland-Bearing Paphiopedilum Paphiopedilum glanduliferum - a
Glaucous-Stemmed Brasavola Brassavola glauca - f
Glistening Ink-cap Coprinus micaceus - a, c, e, f, o, s
Globe Flower Trollius europaeus - c, e
Globe Thistle Echinops sp. - a, e
Gloriosa Daisy Rudbeckia gloriosa - f
Gloriosa Lily Gloriosa rothschildiana - f, o, s
  Gloriosa superba - a, f, n, o
Glory-of-the-Snow Scilla chionodoxa - a
Glory of the Sun Leucocoryne coquimbensis - s
Glory Bower Flower Clerodendrum inerme - o
  Clerodendrum philippinum - a, f
  Clerodendrum trichotomum - a, e, f
Glossy Buckthorn Rhamnus frangula - c, e, f
Goat's Horn Cactus Astrophytum capricorne - f
Goat's Beard Spiraea aruncus - f
Goat Willow Salix caprea - a, e
Goatcheese Webcap Cortinarius camphoratus - c, f
Goblet Pseudoclitocybe cyathiformis - f
Goering's Cymbidium Cymbidium goeringii - a
Gold Birch Betula alleghaniensis - f
Gold Crocus Crocus angustifolius - e, f
Gold Flecked Woodwax Hygrophorus chrysodon - n
Gold Markhamia Markhamia lutea - f
Gold Vine Solandra nitida - n, o
Golden Angel's Trumpet Datura aurea - n
Golden Apple Spondias dulcis - f, n, o, s
Golden Arum Lily Zantedeschia riccardia - f
Gold-banded Lily Lilium auratum - a, e, f, n, s
Golden Camellia Camellia nitidissima - a
Golden Champaca Michelia champaca - a
Golden Chicken Fern Cibotium barometz - a
Golden Clavaria Clavaria aurea - e
Golden Clematis Clematis tangutica - a, e
Golden Columbine Aqulegia chrysantha - s
Golden Coral Ramaria aurea - c, e, f
  Ramaria flava - a, e, f
Golden Dwarf Heliconia Heliconia aurantiaca - n
Golden-edge Bonnet Mycena aurantiomarginata - f
Golden Fairy Club Clavulinopsis laeticolor - f
Golden False Pholiota Pholiota aurea - e, f, s
Golden Gilled Bolete Phylloporus pelletierii - f
  Phylloporus rhodoxanthus - a, c, f
Golden Grass Syngonanthus nitens - s
Golden Haired Bulbophyllum Bulbophyllum auricomum - a
Golden-Leaved Olive Olea chrysophylla - f
Golden Marguerite Anthemis tinctoria - f
Golden Oak Quercus alnifolia - e
Golden Pholiota Pholiota aurivella - a, c, f, n, s
Golden Rainbow Drosera microphylla - o
Golden-rayed Lily Lilium auratum - e, f
Golden Reishi Ganoderma curtisii - f
Golden Rock Orchid Dockrillia striolata - o
Golden Russula Russula aurea - a, c, f, o
Golden Samphire Inula Inula crithmoides - e
Golden Shower Tree Cassia fistula - a, f o, n, s
Golden Starthistle Centaurea solstitialis - e, f
Golden Tops Psilocybe cubensis - f, n, s
Golden Trumpet Tabebuia chrysotricha - f, n, s
Golden Trumpet Tree Handroanthus chrysotrichus - c
Golden Valerian Patrinia scabiosifolia - a
Golden Wattle Acacia pycnatha - a, f, o
Golden Wax Cap Hygrocybe chlorophana - e, s
Golden Winged Dendrobium Dendrobium chrysopterum - f
Golden Yellow Cattleya Cattleya aurea - f, n
Golden Yellow Jelly Fungus Tremella mesenterica - f
Goldenrod Solidago gigantea - n
Goldenseal Hydrastis canadensis - n
Goldfish Plant Columnea sp. - a
Goldie-s Wood Fern Dryopteris goldiana - n
Goldmane Tickseed Coreopsis basalis - e
Goliath Webcap Cortinarius praestans - a, f
Good Luck Plant Euphorbia trigona - f, n
Gooseberry Byrsonima lucida - n
Gooseberry Tree Phyllanthus acidus - a, o
Goose-tongue Plantago maritima - e
Gough Tree Fern Blechnum palmiforme - f
Governor’s Plum Flacourtia indica - f
Grab Russula Russula xerampelina - e, f, n, s
Graceful Encyclia Encyclia gracilis - n
Grain Sorgum Sorghum bicolor - e, f, n
Grand Crinum Crinum asiaticum - a, o
Grand Dendrobium Dendrobium spectabile - a, f, o
Grand Fir Abies lasiocarpa - e, n
Grand Slipper Orchid Caladenia huegelii - n
Grand Vanda Vanda insignis - a, n
Grandleaf Seagrape Coccoloba pubescens - n
Grandmother's Wax Plant Hoya carnosa - f
Granite Belt Phebalium Phebalium whitei - o
Granite Loving Sobralia Sobralia granitica - f
Granulated Boletus Suillus granulatus - a, f, n, s
Grape Hyacinth Muscari sp. - a, e
Grapefruit Citrus paradisii - a, c, e, f, n, o, s
Grapes Vitis vinifera - a c e f n, o, s
Grass-green Russula Russula aeruginea - a, c, f
Grass Pea Lathyrus sativus - s
Grass Pink Limodorum tuberosum - e
Grass-pink Orchid Calopogon tuberosus - f, n
Grass Tree Xanthorrhoea australis - o
Grassy Bells Edraianthus tenufolius - e
Grassland Vlei-lily Crinum gramincola - f
Gray Birch Betula populifolia - n
Gray-brown Funnel Cap Clitocybe metachroa - f
Gray Chanterelle Cantharellus cinereus - f
Gray's Lily Lilium grayi - f 
Greasy Tough-shank Collybia butyracea - f, n
Great Bellflower Campanula latifolia - c
Great Bindwind Calystegia silvatica - e
Great Burnet Sanguisorba officinalis - a, e, f, s
Great Orange Elf-cup Aleuria aurantia - a, c, e, f, n
Great Maple Acer pseudoplatanus - c, e, f, n
Great Masterwort Astrania major - e
Great Mouse-ear Chickweed Cerastium maximum - c
Great Willowherb Epilobium hirsutum - e, f
Great Yellow Pond-lily Nuphar polysepala - n
Greater Birds-foot Trefoil Lotus pedunculatus - e, o
Greater Bladderwort Utricularia vulgaris - e
Greater Burnet Acaena magellanica - o, s
  Sanguisorba officinalis - a, c, s
Greater Butterfly-orchid Platanthera chlorantha - e, f
Greater Duckweed Spirodela polyrhiza - f
Greater Knapweed Centaurea scabiosa - e
Greater Sea-spurry Spergularia media - e
Greater Snapdragon Antirrinum majus - a, c, e, f, n
Greater Snowdrop Galanthus elwesii - a, n
Greater Stitchwort Stellaria holostea - e
Greater Yam Dioscorea batatas - a, f, o
Greater Yellow Lady's Slipper Cypripedium pubescens - n, o
Greater Yellow-rattle Rhinanthus angustifolius - e
Grecian Fir Abies cephalonica - e
Grecian Foxglove Digitalis lanata - e
Grecian Strawberry Tree Arbutus andrachne - a, c, e
Greek Maple Acer heldreichii - e
Greek Seeds Origanum heracleoticum - e
Green Anise Pimpinella anisum - e, f, n
Green Cestrum Cestrum parqui - s
Green-cracked Russula Russula virescens - a, c, e, f, n
Green Elfcup Chlorosplenium aeruginosum - f
Green Fig Ficus virens - o
Green Fringed Orchid Platanthera lacera - n
Green-gilled Parasol Chlorophyllum molybdites - f, n, s
Green Monkey Orange Strychnos spinosa - f
Green Pitcherplant Sarracenia oreophila - f
Green Skin-head Cortinarius austro venetus - f, o
Green Sea Fingers Codium fragile - f
Green Snowdrop Galanthus woronovii - c
Green Spider Flower Grevillea mucronulata - o
Greenheart Ocotea rodiaei- s
Green-spored Mushroom Chlorophyllum molybdites - f, n, s
Green-winged Orchid Orchis morio - a, e, f, n
Greendog Lichen Peltigera aphthosa - n
Green Wood Cup Chlorociboria aeruginascens - f
Greendog Lichen Peltigera aphthosa - n
Greenfan Prickly Pear Opuntia elata - f, s
Greenish Bulbophyllum Bulbophyllum virescens - a
Greenland Mountain Ash Sorbus groenlandica - n
Grey Oyster Pleurotus pulmonarius - f
Grey Foliose Lichen Parmelia sp. - e, n
Grey Haired Thorn Acacia gerrardii - f
Grey Knight Tricholoma terreum - a, f, s
Grey Mango Mangifera foetida - a
Grey Poplar  Populus canescens - e
Grey Ragwort Senecio incanus - e
Grey Spotted Amanita Amanita excelsa - e, f
Griffith's Vanilla Vanilla griffithii - a
Griping Toadstool Lactarius torminosus - а, c, e, f
Grisette Amanita vaginata - a, c, f, n
Groove Leafed Tetramicra Tetramicra canaliculata - f, n
Ground Elder Aegopodium podagraria - e
Ground Ginger Etlingera araneosa - a 
Groundnut Arachis hypogaea - a, e, f, n, s
Ground-ivy Glechoma hederacea - e
Guaba Tree Acca sellowiana - c, s
Guatemalan Fir Abies guatemalensis - n
Guava Psidium guayava - a, e, f, n, o, s
Guavaberry Myrciaria floribunda - n
Guernsey Elm Ulmus sarniensis - e
Guernsey Spleenwort Asplenium sarniens - e
Guernsey Lily Nerine sarniensis - e, f
Guelder Rose Viburnum sp. - a, e, f
Guiana Chestnut Pachira aquatica - f, s
Guinea Grass Panicum maximum - f
Gum Arabic Tree Acacia nilotica - e, f
Gum Rockrose Cistus ladanifer - e
Gumdiggers Soap
Pomaderris kumeraho - n, o
Gutweed Enteromorpha sp. - e
Gypsy Mushroom Rozites caperata - a, e, f, n
Gypsywort Lycopus sp. - e

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