English - Latin Plant Names - P

English plant and fungi names

P a e h i l o r u y

Pacific Dogwood Cornus nutalli - n
Pacific Poison-apple  
Pagoda Tree Plumeria acutifolia - a, n, o, f
Painted Daisy Chrysanthemum carinatum - e, f
Painted Homeria Homeria elegans - f
Painted Maxillaria Maxillaria picta - c, f, n
Painted Tongue Salpiglossis sinuata - f, n
Painted Trillium Trillium erectum - f, o
Trillium undulatum - f
Pakalana Vine Telosma cordata - a
Palau Rock-island Flower  
Pale Bellflower Campanula bononiensis - e
Pale Brittlestem Psathyrella hydrophila - f
Pale Butterwort Pinguicula lusitanica - o
Pale Coral Fungus Ramaria pallida - e
Pale Grass Pink Calopogon pallidus - s
Pale Pasque Flower Pulsatilla patens - c, e, n
Pale Stenia Stenia pallida - f, s
Palo Brea Cercidium praecox - s
Paleface Hibiscus denudatus - e
Palm Orchid Spathoglottis pacifica - o
Palm Tree Fern Cycas rumphii - o
Palmyra Palm Borassus flabellifer - a, f
Pampas Grass Cortaderia selloana - e
Panama Flame Tree Brownea macrophylla - n, s
Panama Tree Sterculia apetala - n, s
Pancake Prickly Pear Opuntia chlorotica - f
Panicle Hydrangea Hydrangea paniculata - e
Pansy Viola wittrockiana - a e f, n, o
Pansy Orchid Miltoniopsis sp. - f, n, o, s
Panther Death Cap Amanita pantherina - a, c e f, n, s
Papaya Carica papaya - e,a f o,n,s
Paper Bark Melaleuca quinquenervia - o
Paper Birch Betula papyriferum - e, n
Paper Mulberry Broussonetia papyrifera - a, o
Paper-White Narcissus Narcissus papyraceus - e, f, n
Paperbark Thorn Acacia sieberiana - f
Papuan Wattle Acacia auriculiformis - a, o
Papyrus Cyperus papyrus - a, f
Parasitic Bolete Boletus parasiticus - f, n
  Xerocomus parasiticus - e, f, s
Parasol Mushroom Lepiota procera - a, c, n, s e f
Parijat Tree Nyctanthes arbor-tristis - a
Parish's Dendrobium Dendrobium parishii - a, f, o, n
Parish's Paphiopedilum Paphiopedilum parishii - a, f
Parrot Flower Impattiens psittacina - e
Parrot's Beak Heliconia Heliconia psittacorum - a, f, n, o, s
Parrot's Plantain Heliconia psittacorum - a, f, n, o, s
Parrot Wax Cap Hygrophorus psittacinus - a, e, f, n
Parry's Primrose Primula parryi - s
Parsley Petroselinum crispum - c
  Petroselinum hortense - e
  Petroselinum sp. - e, o
Parsley Fern Anogramma ascensionis - f
Parsnip Pastinaca sativa - e, o
Parson's Juniper Juniperus davurica - c
Partridgeberry Mitchella repens - n
Pasque Flower Pulsatilla grandis - c, e
  Pulsatilla vulgaris - e, f, n
Passion Flower Passiflora sp. - a, f, n,o, s
Passion Fruit Passiflora sp. - a, f, n,o, s
Pasture Rose Rosa carolina - n
Pawpaw Carica papaya - e,a f o,n,s
Pea Pisum sativum - a, c, e, f, n
Pea Shrub Caragana scyphica - c
Peach Persica vulgaris - a, c, f, n, o, s e
Peach Angel's Trumpet Brugmansia versicolor - n
Peach Leafed Bellflower Campanula persicifolia - a, c, e, f
Peach Palm Bactris gasipaes - n
Peacock Anemone Anemone pavonina - e
Peacock Flower Caesalpinia pulcherrima - a, f, o, n, s
  Poinciana pulcherrima - n
  Tigridia pavonia - a, e, f, n
Peanut Arachis hypogaea - a, e, f, n, o, s
Peanut Butter Fruit Bunchosia argentea - s
Pear Pyrus domestica - a c, e f, n, o, s
Pearce's Phragmmipedium Phragmipedium pearcei - e, n, s
Pearl Millet Pennisetum glaucum - f
  Pennisetum typhoides - f
Pearly Powdercap Cystoderma carcharias - f
Pedunculate Oak Quercus robur - c, e, f
Pedunculate Sea-purslane Atriplex pedunculata - e
Pelargonium Webcap Cortinarius flexipes - f
Pelican Flower Aristolochia littoralis - s
Pencil Cedar Juniperus barbadensis - n
Pencil Tree Euphorbia tirucallii - f
Penis Cactus Trichocereus bridgesii - n, s
Pennsylvania Bittercress Cardamine pensylvanica - s
Pennyroyal Lippia turbinata - s
Penwiper Plant Notothlaspi rosulatum - o
Peony Paeonia maskula - a, e, f
  Paeonia sp. - a, e f n, o
Peperina Minthostachys mollis - s
Pepper Piper sp. - e, f, n
Peppermint Mentha piperita - a, e, f, s
Pepperpot Earthstar Myriostoma coliforme - e, f
Peppery Bolete Boletus piperatus - c, f, s
Peppery Milk Cap Lactarius piperatus - c, e, f
Perah Tree Elateriospermum tapos - a
Perennial Flax Linum perenne - a, n
Perennial Sweet Pea Lathyrus vernus - c, e
Perilla-oil plant Perilla frutescens - a
Periwinkle Vinca sp. - a, f, c, n
Persian Buttercup Ranunculus asiaticus - a, e, f
Persian Сornflower Centaurea dealbata - e
Persian Ironwood Tree Parrotia persica - c
Persian Lime Citrus latifolia - o 
Persian Silk Tree Albizzia julibrissin - a, e
Persian Walnut Juglans regia - a, c, e
Persistent Waxcap Hygrocybe persistens - e
Peruvian Lily Alstroemeria aurantiaca - a, e, s
Peruvian Old Lady Espostoa melanostele - f
Pestle-shaped Coral Clavariadelphus pistilaris - c, f, n
Peter Veitch's Spathoglottis Spathoglottis petri - o
Petticoat Palm Copernicia macroglossa - n
Phalaenopsis-Like Oncidium Oncidium phalaenopsis - o
Philip Island Hibiscus Hibiscus insularis - o
Phillipine Violet Barleria cristata - a, n
Philippine Wind Orchid Spathoglottis plicata - a, n,o
Philippine Wild Raspberry Rubus rosifolius - a, f
Phoenician Juniper Juniperus phoenicea - c, e
Phoenix winged orchid  
Physic Nut Jatropha curcas - f, s
Pichi Fabiana imbricata - s
Pickerel Weed Pontederia cordata - a
Pick-a-back Toadstool Asterophora parasitica - f, n
Pigeon Orchid Dendrobium cromenatum - a, n, o
Pigeon Peas Cajanus cajan - f
Pig's Ears Cotyledon orbiculata - f
  Gomphus clavatus - a, c, e, f
Pili Nut Canarium ovatum - a
Pima Cotton Gossypium barbadense - f, s
Pimpernel Anagallis monelli - f
Wormskiold longpedinculata - f
  Anagallis sp. - a
Pina Palm Euterpe oleracea - s
Pincushion Leucospermum cordifolium - f
Pincushion Cactus Mammillaria zeilmanniana - n, s
Pincushion Flower Scabiosa atropurpurea - a
  Scabiosa caucasica - f
  Scabiosa japonica - a
Pincushion Hakea Hakea laurina - o
Pindo Palm Butia capitata - s
Pine Pinus sp. - a, c, e, n, o, s
Pine Bolete Boletus pinicola - a, c, e, f, n, o, s
Pine Сone Tooth Auriscalpium vulgare - f
Pine Pink Orchid Bletia purpurea - f, n, s
Pineapple Ananas comosus - a c, f, e n o, s
Pineapple Cactus Coryphantha sulcata - e, f
Pineapple Lily Eucomis bicolor - n
Pineapple Orchid Dendrobium densiflorum - a, c, e, f, s
Pineapple Sage Salvia elegans - a
Pineland Aster Symphyotrichum lucayanum - n
Pink and White Shower Tree Cassia javanica - n
Pink Arum Zantedeschia rehmannii - f
Pink Ball Dombeya wallichii - n
Pink Bonnet Mycena rosella - c
Pink Butterfly Orchid Orchis papilionaceae - c, e, f
Pink Cinquefoil Potentilla nitida - e
Pink Desert Rose Adenium obesum - a, f, n, o
Pink Calanthe Calanthe rosea - a, f, o
Pink Cosmos Cosmos peucedanifolius - e
Pink Dogwood Cornus kousa - a, f, n
Pink Dombeya Dombeya burgessiae - f
Pink Domecap Calocybe carnea - f, s
  Calocybe persicolor - a
Pink Enamel Orchid Elythanthera emarginata - o
Pink Fairy Lily Zephyranthes carinata - a
Pink Fairy Slipper Calypso bulbosa - c, e, f, n
Pink Fingers Orchid Caladenia carnea - f
Pink-fringed Milky Lactarius torminosus - а, c, e, f, s
Pink Funnel Cap Clitocybe geotropa - a, c, e, f, n, o
Pink Heath Epacris impressa - o
Pink Hibiscus Hibiscus pedunculatus - f
Pink-Eyed Cerbera Cerbera manghas - a, f, o
Pink Japanese Wood Poppy Glaucidium palmatum - a
Pink Jasmine Jasminum polyanthum - a
Pink Kopsia Kopsia fruticosa - a
Pink Lady's Slipper Cypripedium acaule - e, f, n
Pink Lotus n
Pink Moss Phlox subulata - a
Pink Oeonia Oenia oncidiflora - f
Pink Oleander  
Pink Oxalis Oxalis purpurea - f
Pink Oyster Mushroom Pleurotus flabellatus - a
Pink Periwinkle  
Pink Poui Tabebuia rosea - a, f, n, s
Pink Powderpuff Calliandra surinamensis - f
Pink Quill Tillandsia cyanea - n 
Pink Rock Orchid Dendrobium kingianum - f
Pink Shower Tree Cassia grandis - n, s
Pink Spur Flower Plectranthus fruticosus - f
Pink Tecoma Tabebuia rosea - n
Pink Trumpet Tree Tabebuia heterophylla - n, s
  Tabebuia impetiginosa - n, s
Pink Turtlehead Chelone obliqua - n
Pink Waterlily Nymphaea rosea - a
Pink Waxcap Hygrocybe calyptriformis - e, f, o
Pink Wild Pear Dombeya burgessiae - f
Pink Witchweed Striga elegans - f
Pinkmottle Woodwax Hygrophorus russula - e, f
Pinwheel Marasmius Marasmius rotula - f, n, s
Pinxterbloom Azalea Rhododendron nudiflorum - f, s
Pipal Ficus religiosa - a
Pirin Poppy Papaver degenii - e
Pistachio Pistacia vera - a, c, e, f
Pitch Apple Clusia rosea - f, n
Pitcher's Thistle Cirsium pitcheri - n
Pitted Milky Cap Lactarius scrobiculatus - a, f
Plains Prickly Pear Opuntia macrorhiza - f, n
  Opuntia vulgaris - a, e, f, s
Plane Tree Platanus hispanica - e
Planetree Platanus sp. - e
Plantain Plantago sp. - a, e
Plantain Thrift Armeria alliacea - e
Plantpot Dapperling Leucocoprinus birnbaumii - a, f, n
Plateau Ginger Boesenbergia alba - a
Pleated Inkcap Coprinus plicatilis - f, n, s
Pleated Orchid Encyclia plicata - n
Plum Prunus domestica - a, c, e, f, n, o
Plums and Custard Tricholomopsis rutilans - a, f, n, s
Plum Fruited Yew Prumnopitys montana - s
Plymouth Pear Pyrus cordata - e
Poets Jasmine Jasminum officinale - a, f, s
Poet's Narcissus Narcissus poeticus - a, c, e, f, n
Pohutukawa Metrosideros excelsa - n, o
Poinsettia Euphorbia pulcherrima - a c, e f o n, s
Pointed Waxy-cap Hygrocybe cuspidata - n
Poison Hemlock Conium maculatum - f
Poison Pie Hebeloma crustuliniforme - a, f, n, s
Poison Powderpuff Lactarius torminosus - а, c, e, f
Pokeweed Phytolacca dodecandra - f
Polynesian Cress Rorippa sarmentosa - o
Polynesian Sandalwood Santalum insulare - o
Polypody Polypodium polypodioides - f, n
Pom-pom Flame Tips Leucadendron discolor - a, f, n
Pomegranate Punica granatum - a c,e f n, o, s
Pomelo Citrus maxima - a, f, n, o
Pondaim Oak Quercus pondaim - e
Ponderosa Pine Pinus ponderosa - a, n
Poor Man's Orchid Schizanthus pinnatum - n
Pope Melocactus communis - n
Poplar Populus sp. - a, e, f
Poplar Bells Schizophyllum amplum - f
Poplar Field Cap Agrocybe aegerita - f
  Agrocybe cylindracea - f, n
Poplar Tricholoma Tricholoma populinum - a
Poppy Papaver sp. - a, c, e, f, n, o, s
Poppy Hibiscus  
Popwood Myoporum obscurum - o
Porcelain Berry Ampelopsis brevipedunculata - a
Porcelain Fungus Oudemansiella mucida - e, f, s
Porcelain Rose Nicolaia speciosa - a, f
Porcupine Pricly Pear Opuntia erinaceae - a, f
Port Jackson Fig Ficus rubiginosa - o
Port St. John's Creeper Pandorea ricasoliana - f, n
Portia Tree Thespesia populnea - a, n, o
Portugal Laurel
Prunus lusitanica - e
Portuguese Dewy Pine Drosophyllum lusitanicum - f
Potato Solanum tuberosum - a, c, e, f, o, s
Potato Tree Solanum macranthum - f, n, s
Potted Hydrangea Hydrangea hortensis - e, f
Powderpuff Calliandra parvifolia - s
Powdery Piggyback Asterophora lycoperdoides - n
Prairie Crab Apple Malus ioensis - n
Prairie Gentian Eustoma grandiflorum - a, f
Prairie Ironweed Vernonia fasciculata - n
Prairie Lily Lilium philadelphicum - f, n
Prairie Mallow Sidalcea hybrida - f
Prarie Wild Rose Rosa arkansana - n
Pribby Rondeletia buxifolia - n
Pretty Blue Poppy Meconopsis bella - a
Prickly Pear Opuntia bahamana - n
  Opuntia tuna - n
Prickly Rose Rosa acicularis - a, c, n
Prickly Sage Lantana camara - a, f n, o, s
Prickly Salvia Pycnostachys urticifolia - f
Prickly-seeded Spinach Spinacea oleracea - e, f
Prickly Chaff Flower Achyranthes aspera - f
Pride of De Kaap Bauhinia galpinii - f, s
Pride of Hermanus Erica aristata - f
Pride of India Peltophorum pterocarpum - a
Primrose Primula cawdoriana - a
  Primula sp. - a, e, f, n
Prince Agaricus augustus - f, n, s
Prince of Wales Feathers Psoralea pinnata - f
Prince's-feather Amaranthus hypochondriacus - n
Princess Flower Tibouchina sp. - o, s
Princess Ginger Zingiber sirindhorniae - a
Princess of the Night Selenicereus pteranthus - e, f
Princess Pine Lycopodium obscurum - n
Prodan Iris Iris brandzae - e
Prostrate Morning Glory Ipomoea pes-caprae - a, f, n, o
Prussian Asparagus Ornithogalum pyrenaicum - a
Puff-fruit Tree Boniodendron parviflorum - a
Pumpkin Cucurbita maxima - a, e, f, s
  Cucurbita pepo - a, e, n
Puncture Vine Tribulus terrestris - a
Pungent Cortinarius Cortinarius traganus - a, e, f
Pungent Fiber Head Inocybe sororia - f
Puriri Vitex lucens - o
Purple Adrorhizon Adrorhizon purpurascens - a
Purple Allamanda Thunbergia laurifolia - a, f, n, o
Purple Amaranth Amaranthus cruentus - f
Purple Blooming Bifrenaria Bifrenaria tyrianthina - f
Purple Chinese Houses Collinsia bicolor - e
Purple Cap Fungus Camarophyllus adonis - s
Purple Clover Trifolium purpureum - a
Purple Coneflower Echinacea purpurea - e, f, n, o
Purple Coral Tree Erythrina fusca - n, o, s
Purple Cranesbill Geranium magnificum - e
Purple Cyclamen Cyclamen purpurascens - e
Purple Dissotis Dissotis princeps - f
Purple Granadilla Passiflora edulis - a, e, f, o, n, s
Purple Heart Tradescantia pallida - n
Purple-heart Fingers Orchid Caladenia hillmanii - f
Purple Lenten Rose Helleborus orientalis - e
Purple Loosestrife Lythrum salicaria - c, e
Purple Milk-Vetch Astragalus danicus - e
Purple Mountain Heath Phyllodoce breweri - a
Purple Mullein Verbascum phoniceum - e
Purple Nightshade Solanum xanti - n
Purple Nutsedge Cyperus rotundus - a
Purple Oxytropis Oxytropis halleri - e
Purple Passionfruit Passiflora edulis - a, o, n, s
Purple Pitcher Plant Sarracenia purpurea - a, n
Purple Salsify Tragopogon porrifolius - c, e
Purple Saxifrage Saxifraga diversifolia - e
  Saxifraga oppositifolia - a, e, s
Purple Star-thistle Centaurea calcitrapa - e
Purple Stone Crop Sedum eriocarpum - e
Purple-flowered Daisy-tree Olearia angustifolia - o
Purse-Making Dendrobium Dendrobium secundum - a
Purslane Portulaca sp. - o
  Portulaca quadrifida - o
Pussy Toes Antennaria dioica - e
Pyxie Cap Geopyxis carbonaria - f
Pyrenees Iris Iris latifolia - c, e, s
Pyrenees Thistle Eryngium bourgatii - e
Pyrethrum Pyrethrum cinerariaefolium - e, f, o

начало - beginning